Friday, February 03, 2006

Day two: RAIN

Day two: RAIN. The ever soothing, peaceful, stay in bed sound mother nature offers to humans.
Yes Mother nature is quite a comedian!

Hence my jumping out of bed an hour late and cursing the sky that spits out these drops of "do I have to go to work?" rain.

What could be considered an aphrodisiac to the mind turns into a cyanide pill as I drive like a mad woman through pockets of water, adjusting the windshield wipers to the inconsistency of downpour on my window.

And do people simply not care that I have to be somewhere?
You would think they were snatched by Aliens the night before and hypnotized to stop functioning at the sight of rain!!!!

all this talk is making me thirsty.

Until tomorrow. Just be you!!!

1 comment:

Dr. Ally Critter said...

... because the rain brings anodynes for the soul- and sunshine for the heart...

Hasve a wonderfully sunny day- not in the weather sense but from inside.